Windows API - Information disclosure / covert channel
I use open-source software every day. And I try to contribute as much as I can.
However, sometimes weird things happen when writing OSS code. Like finding a security bug in a closed source software.
Full-disk encryption and remote unlock
Do you know that you can unlock your full-disk encrypted GNU/Linux PC remotely? Cool, isn’t it? You can directly use SSH to type the password and unlock your PC.
Let’s ask ourselves: is it secure?
L'Università pubblica che non c'è più
C’erano una volta l’Università pubblica e l’Università privata.
Ma tutte le cose belle, si sa, prima o poi finiscono. Specialmente quando “i dati sono il nuovo petrolio”.
Hide KVM/QEMU in Windows 10 guest
Recently I was preparing a Windows 10 VM (in a Proxmox/KVM/QEMU environment) with the specific need to spoof some hardware IDs and evade a VM detection.